Documented history of the FESR Navy Association (Australia) Inc.
The history of the association, past news items and previous guestbook entries have been preserved in pdf format and are archived in chronological order; the most recent additions appear first.

2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | undated

General Information Files since 2009

Story of the RAN's Junior Recruits: Leeuwin (pdf)



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= archived guestbook entries (i.e. Visitors Log)
= archived photos

Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, January to February 2008 (National & General) (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, January to February 2008 (State Boards) (pdf)
Website Update, December 2007 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, October to December 2007 (pdf) 
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, July to September 2007 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, April to June 2007 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, January to March 2007 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, NSW/ACT Division, 2007 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, QLD Division, 2007 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, VIC/TAS Division, 2007 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, SA/NT Division, 2007 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, WA Division, 2007 (pdf)
Important Announcement from the National President, 28 December 2007 (pdf)
FESR Navy Association: Business As Usual, 26 November 2007 (pdf)
FESR WA Reunion 2007, 8 June 2007 (pdf)
National President Annual Report, 16 May 2007 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, NSW/ACT Division, 2006 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, QLD Division, 2006 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, VIC/TAS Division, 2006 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, SA/NT Division, 2006 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, WA Division, 2006 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, June to December 2006 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, January to May 2006 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, 2005 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, 2004 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original YaBB Entries, 2003 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original Dashmark Entries, 2003 (pdf)
Website, January 2003 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original Dashmark Entries, 2002 (pdf)
FESR Takes One Step Closer To National Incorporation, 10 September 2002 (pdf)
The Veteran�s Review Committee, 4 July 2002 (pdf)
FESR 2003 Reunion: Available Accommodation Glenelg, 12 May 2002 (pdf)
Autonomy: A New Era Begins for the FESR, 1 May 2002 (pdf)
Medals: Order of Wearing, 4 April 2002 (pdf)
New Era Begins for the FESR, April 2002 (pdf)
Pilot Health Survey of Korean Veterans, 11 March 2002 (pdf)
Reunion Reminder, 18 February 2002 (pdf)
Temporary Webmaster Assigned, 27 January 2007 (pdf)
Extract CN's Message to RAN Personnel re: media report January 2002 - Navy's Reputation, 16 January, 2002 (pdf)
President's Report, 01 January 2002 (pdf)
Website, January 2002 (pdf)
Visitors Log: Original Dashmark Entries, 2001 (pdf)
HMAS SYDNEY: Commemorative Service, 21 October 2001 (pdf)
President's Report, 10 October 2001 (pdf)
Mobil Car Care Queensland Supports ASAC Australia, 21 September 2001 (pdf)
Aviation Branch Reunion: Thursday (4th October 2001), 28 August 2001 (pdf)
Seven Point Summary of Discussion: FESR Meeting (August 2001), 28 August 2001 (pdf)
Congratulations: you have won our Certified Site Award, 23 August 2001 (pdf)
HMAS BRISBANE: A Capital Gift for Queensland, 19 August 2001 (pdf)
Centenary Naval Review Update: Combined Navies March, 13 August 2001 (pdf)
FESR Service Now Etched in Defence History, 8 August 2001 (pdf)
Five Point Summary of Discussion: FESR Meeting (July 2001), 8 August 2001 (pdf)
FESR Media Release Update: Qld to recognise Navy Service in Malaya, 9 July 2001 (pdf)
Death of Admiral Sir Anthony Synnot, 4 July 2001 (pdf)
FESR Meeting: Seven Point Summary of Discussion, 23 June 2001 (pdf)
Queensland to Recognise Navy Service in Malaya, 19 June 2001 (pdf)
Federation Naval Congress & Reunion 1901-2001, 2 June 2001 (pdf)
Update on SEA Review and Recent Follow-On, 21 May 2001 (pdf)
15 000 New Medal Entitlements for South East Asian Service, 9 May 2001 (pdf)
Reunion 2003, 29 April 2001 (pdf)
Adelaide Marches under the FESR Banner for the first time: ANZAC DAY 2001, 29 April 2001 (pdf)
The Australian: Old Soldiers Relive 3RAR's finest hour - ANZAC Day Special Edition, 25 April 2001 (pdf)  
Brisbane to Head March, 25 April 2001 (pdf)
Photos: ANZAC Day (Brisbane), 25 April 2001 (pdf)
Photo: Noel Payne Receives Life Membership, 24 April 2001 (pdf)
AGM: Life Membership Granted to Noel 'Wacka' Payne, 24 April 2001 (pdf)
AGM: Sydney to March for First time under the FESR Banner, 24 April 2001 (pdf)
ANZAC Day Muster, 19 April 2001 (pdf)
The Australian: From Citizens to Soldiers by Robert Garran, 19 March 2001 (pdf)
Website: Welcome to the new FESR Website (pdf)
Message from the Caretaker President, 01 February 2001 (pdf)
Perth Sunday Times: Uranium Testing for Aussie Troops - Balkans and Gulf, 21 January 2001 (pdf)
Sunday Mail (SA): Gulf War Syndrome Test : Sunday Mail (SA), 21 January 2001 (pdf)
National Senior Vice President's Report, January 2001 (pdf)
Photos: Memorial Service (Brisbane), 2001 (pdf)
Sailors Wanted For Company: Recruiting Drive, 12 December 2000 (pdf)
President's Special Report: inclusion on Memorial Roll of Honour, 1 October 2000 (pdf)
President's Report: We Are Almost There, September 2000 (pdf)
President's Special Report: 3, 5, 10 or 12 Mile Limit, 03 July 2000 (pdf)
President's Special Report: 10 Mile Limit NGS Medal, 14 June 2000 (pdf)
President's Report: The fight is not yet over, 13 June 2000 (pdf)
The Advertiser: Secret Service - Acknowledging the FESR, Edition 1, Sat, page 065, 13 May 2000 (pdf)
President's Budget Report: Names on the Honour Roll (AASM, NGSM), 10 May 2000 (pdf)
The Australian: The Wild Men of Borneo - Australians in Battle 1950-2000, 25 April 2000 (pdf)
The Australian: Vietnam Vets in From Cold - Australians in Battle 1950-2000, 25 April 2000 (pdf)
The Australian: In the Service of Silence ANZAC Day Special - Australians in Battle 1950-2000, 25 April 2000 (pdf)
The Australian: The Modern Wars, 25 April 2000 (pdf)
Photos: ANZAC Day 2000 Brisbane City March, 24 March 2000 (pdf)
The Advertiser: The Long Skirmish: Malayan Emergency, 1948 -1960, 19 April 2000 (pdf)
The Advertiser: Lest We Forget: Indonesian Confrontation 1964-1966, 19 April 2000 (pdf)
President's Report to AGM, 5 April 2000 (pdf)
Photos: AGM (Irish Club, Brisbane), 24 March 2000 (pdf)
Photos: Dine-In at the Irish Club in Brisbane, 24 March 2000 (pdf)
President's Report, 5 March 2000 (pdf)
President's Special Report: The Review is Done, 27 February 2000 (pdf)
Photos: FESR Patron, Vice Admiral Sir Richard Peek KBE. CB. DSC. RAN (Rtd), 2000 (pdf)
Photos: Memorial Brisbane, 2000 (pdf)
Photos: FESR AGM/Reunion 2000 (pdf)
President's Report, 18 October 1999 (pdf)
Letter to Minister Scott [Review SEA], Noel Payne on behalf of the FESR Association, 25 September 1999 (pdf)
Submission 2 RAR Thai Malaya 1962, Noel Payne on behalf of the FESR Association, 8 July 1999 (pdf)
Submission Battle Honours HMAS Sydney, Noel Payne on behalf of the FESR Association, 8 July 1999 (pdf)
Submission Borneo/Indonesian Confrontation, Noel Payne on behalf of the FESR Association, 8 July 1999 (pdf)
Open Letter: Joint Consultative Group, Canberra ACT, 8 July 1999 (pdf)
President's Report, 6 July 1999 (pdf)
More About Dioxin: Dioxin Committee, 27 June 1999 (pdf)
FESR Submission: Review of Service Entitlement Anomalies in South-East Asian Service 1955-1975, 20 June 1999 (pdf)
RAAF Ubon Recognition Group Supports FESR Association to Scott, from Stone & Barnes, 28 April, 1999 (pdf)
Dioxin Exposure: Naval Logistic Support Personnel, 23 March 1999 (pdf)
Hansard: Australian Parliament November 1998 : Ms O'Byrne (Bass), 16 March 1999 (pdf)
Senate Meeting about Defence Review Extract from FAD & T 74 SENATE Legislation, 10 February 1999 (pdf)
Sydney Daily Telegraph: No Defence For Denying Service by Sandra Lee, 18 January 1999 (pdf)
Sunday Mail: FESR by Terry Sweetman, 17 January 1999 (pdf)
The Australian: At the going down of the sun, we won't remember them: When is a war not a war? 13 January 1999 (pdf)
Worksafe Report: Carbon Tetrachloride, 9 October 1998 (pdf)
Campaign: Peacekeeping, 1943-2003 (pdf)
Campaign: Gulf War, 1990-1973 (pdf)
Campaign: Vietnam War, 1962-1973 (pdf)
Campaign: Indonesian Confrontation, 1964-1966 (pdf)
Campaign: Malayan Emergency, 1950-1960 (pdf)
Campaign: Korean War, 1950-1953 (pdf)
Research Bibliography (pdf)
Official Far East Strategic Reserve Navy Association Badge (pdf)
New Syndrome Blamed for Deaths of Balkans Veterans (pdf)
Deadly Legacy of a War (pdf)
MCRS (Comcare): Military Compensation and Rehabilitation (pdf)
Exposure to Carbon Tetra Chloride or Passive Smoke Inhalation (pdf)
What is Agent Orange (pdf)
Agent Orange: This Killer Must be Stopped Now! (pdf)
What is Dioxin? (pdf)
The Vung Tau Ferry by R. Knotts and N. Payne (publication) (pdf)
First Reunion of Sailors Who Served in Malaya (pdf)
South East Asia 1955 (pdf)
Operation Search Mate (pdf)
15 000 New Medal Entitlements for South East Asian Service: Attachment to Min 129/01: background Information (pdf)
Veterans� Entitlements Act 1986: Korean and Malayan Campaign (pdf)
Sailors Battle For Recognition of Veteran Status: Neale Maynard & Lou Robson, The Courier Mail, p 9 (pdf)
Review: Repat. Comm. and Defence to SEA Review (pdf)
Major Events FESR 1952-1999 (pdf)
RAN Service In the FESR During The Malayan Emergency 1955-1960 (pdf)
Role of the Far East Strategic Reserve (Military History) (pdf)
The FESR Mission Statement (pre autonomy) (pdf)
FESR Aims & Objectives  (pdf)

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Archive Disclaimer
Please note that many of the articles listed on the original FESR website were improperly sourced; where possible correct details have now been identified.  The FESR values the principle of copyright and displays articles on the understanding that they are either in the public domain and/or that permission was originally obtained. 
Note that the FESR is a non-profit organisation and that this website is non-commercial. Display of an article is on the understanding that it is done so freely, with consent, and in the interest of educating the public on the plight of the Far East Strategic Reserve.

© 2015 FESR Navy Association (Australia) Inc.  All rights reserved.